CWA 3106

Our Vision

To improve the lives of each member through a commitment to CWA and its goals by educating and raising the awareness of each other through political involvement, organizing, mobilization and teamwork. The concepts of Quality will continue to improve and foster the growth of our union while enhancing the working lives of those to whom we are committed.

Our Mission

Our mission is to work together as a team to build the union. We will develop and execute specific action plans including education and open communications to all locals in an effort to further build trust.

If you would like more information about the Communications Workers of America Local 3106, please click on the links below!

•  CWA Constitution 2011

•  CWA Charter

•  By Laws

CWA 3106
4076 Union Hall Place
Jacksonville, Florida 32205
Phone: (904) 384-2222

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